MCRAA Submits Comments to DEA In Support of Marijuana Rescheduling

Rescheduling cannabis is a vital first step and much work needs to be done before we as a medical community can better understand the potential benefits, as well as limitations, of medical cannabis in the treatment of disease and illness. However, without this important first step, research and evaluation will be extremely limited and patients who could benefit from medical cannabis could be further jeopardized.

Today, more than ever, it is important that federal agencies, such as the DEA, set parameters around scheduling that encourage the medical community to further explore, through scientific research, the utility of medical cannabis. Without such changes to the scheduling of this medication and treatment, we fear that the ongoing research will be further limited. The only way to truly identify benefits and opportunities in treatment utilizing medical cannabis is through clinical trials and research that allow clinicians and patients to fully access this medication, and this simply cannot be done today with the existing scheduling assigned by the DEA.

This needs to change and we strongly support DEA’s proposal of the reclassification of marijuana (“cannabis”) from schedule I to schedule III under the CSA schedule.

New Resources Available

Our Quarterly Educational Series Navigating The US Cannabis Investment Landscape is now available under the Resources tab.

Cash Balance Plan - “The 6 Figure Deduction” April 27th 12pm EST Discussion on how a Cash Balance Plan can help you obtain 6-Figure Deductions for medical professional practices. Our “Holistic Tax” approach will provide your practice with Significant Tax Deductions, Retirement Savings, and Employee Retention.

We are a physician led, patient focused coalition.

Our members represent state medical associations, national medical specialties, patient groups, pharmaceutical companies, researchers and the cannabis industry.


Our mission is to educate patients, policymakers, and the medical community about the crucial need to advance medical cannabis research in order to protect patients, further scientific knowledge, and to realize the full potential of evidence-based medical cannabis treatments that can positively impact and improve patient health and wellbeing.

Take a listen to our Keynote

Bryan Buckley, thank you for your time, your expertise, your passion and your conviction and for gracing us with the story of what you have done and will be doing to advance medical cannabis research and education.


A physician’s path to understanding cannabis

Hear from David J. Hass, MD, MCRAA Board Member and Co-Chair of the Conference Committee, who sat down with Healing Together to discuss why physician’s need to learn about cannabis, and why it is critical to patient care.


From our Board: why medical cannabis education and research is needed now


“We started MCRAA because there was a need for an alliance that welcomed physicians, other clinicians, researchers, cannabis companies, pharmaceutical companies and patient groups to work together to improve access to medical cannabis research and education”

— Ted Zanker, MD, Chair MCRAA Board

Our Second Annual Educational Symposium


Cannabis policy across the globe is undergoing seismic changes.  It is no longer a question of  if a country or state will create a medical cannabis program, it is when.

In the US, there are 36 states with a comprehensive medical cannabis program yet healthcare providers still have much to learn. Join us in Chicago June 9th as we de-mystify medical cannabis. Learn More ←